Dandruff is a common condition that can leave the scalp inflamed and itchy. This can cause white flakes dusted across the hair. Although dandruff is not such a serious condition from a medical stand point but it can be very embarrassing.

One out of every five people suffers from this scalp condition leading to dandruff. A gentle shampoo can help treat milder cases, but symptoms may return over time. Cases also vary depending on the person and the sensitivity of individual skin.

Understanding the causes of dandruff is a crucial step to treating it. There are several factors which cause dandruff, from skin dryness, infrequent washing, excessive brushing and increased stress.

Even after you manage to get rid of dandruff, you will need to take care of these factors in the long run for a permanent solution. Once you have narrowed down what is irritating your scalp enough to cause dandruff, you can treat it much easier.

Below are some of the most common causes of dandruff and its treatment:


  • Dry skin

If dry skin is causing your dandruff, it can be easy to tell because other parts of your body will likely be dry as well. Dry scalp can worsen throughout the year due to climate. However, a dry scalp that causes dandruff is treatable, similar to dry skin anywhere else. You simply need to moisturize, especially as you are shampooing more often.

There are several hair products out there catered to a dry scalp. A healing hair mask will certainly help add moisture to your scalp. However, it is important to pick a product that is free of irritants.

  • Irritated or oily skin

Most people assume that only people with dry scalp suffer from dandruff. While dry skin can be a culprit, it is not the only thing. An oily scalp results from increased production of sebum, the natural oil on your scalp; this can lead to dandruff-producing conditions like seborrheic dermatitis, which is the name of eczema on the scalp.

If you suffer from seborrheic dermatitis, you can contact your dermatologist for various forms of treatment. Your doctor may have you test out over-the-counter treatments and nonprescription remedies.

  • Yeast-like fungus (Malassezia)

The major culprit of dandruff is a fungus called Malassezia. This fungus exists on most adults’ scalps. It feeds on the oils on your scalp, breaking it down and leaving oleic acid in its place. Many people are sensitive to oleic acid. The body then reacts to this acid by increasing the speed at which skin cells renew. It is an attempt to rid the scalp of the irritant and this can cause flakes. The flakes are dead skin cells that visibly accumulate on the scalp.

This is why anti- dandruff shampoo and conditioner can be so useful in treating dandruff. Regular shampoos struggle to clean out all the buildup that causes dandruff. Medical shampoos have the proper ingredients to do that.

  • Shampooing

Some people believe that dandruff becomes worse the more often you shampoo, but that is not the case. In fact, not shampooing enough can make your dandruff worse. It causes more oil and dead skin to sit on top of your scalp, worsening dandruff. A medicated shampoo can help.

  • Haircare products

Just like any other part of your body, the scalp is susceptible to irritation and allergic reactions. If your scalp is highly sensitivity to a hair care product, contact dermatitis can develop on the scalp. Contact dermatitis is the skin’s reaction to direct contact with an irritant, and it will likely result in dandruff. If you notice your scalp becomes irritated or sore after using certain products, it could be due to a sensitivity to the product. It is crucial to stop using the product immediately. If you are not sure which product it is, you can use the process of elimination to determine which one it is.

There are other factors that cause dandruff, including skin dryness, infrequent washing, excessive brushing and increased stress. Even after you manage to get rid of dandruff, you will need to take care of these factors in the long run for a permanent solution.


-Moisturize your scalp or get proper moisture treatment often: Dandruff sometimes is basically dry and dead skin flakes which come off your scalp. Given this, it makes sense to keep your scalp well moisturized and prevent it from drying up or flaking.

- Shampooing frequently with the following guide will help

  • Antibacterial shampoos: Used if the condition is due to bacterial infection
  • Medicated shampoos: These are used to avoid scaling of the scalp's skin
  • Antifungal shampoos: Used if the condition is due to fungal infection.

-Take Care of Your Physical and Mental Health: Dandruff can also be a side effect of stress, inadequate sleep, lack of exercise and a diet deficient in nutrients. All these factors affect the hormonal balance in your body and weaken your immune system, consequently promoting dandruff.

-Hair Massages Work Wonders: Massage your scalp with natural oils at least thrice a month to keep your scalp moisturized

-Avoid using hair gels and products with chemicals, opt for light hair oils instead.

-Get an anti-dandruff treatment at least once in a month: This helps to restore the scalp and prevent it from future damages.

Thank you for reading that to the end!

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